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Search results for query #запретить переход

4 answer
29.08.2022, 09:37
Prohibit crossing if one extra. field is smaller than the other
Example https://onebox.ei.net.ua/admin/customorder/order/3454/edit/ There are 2 process product fields, let's say 10 in one, 11 in the other It...
2 answer
09.02.2022, 12:07
HELP! When you go to the stage, all the buttons are gray and just freeze https://crm.hlr.ua/
Process https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/customorder/issue/3490997/edit/ when you click on almost any button, the process freezes and that's it For exa...
8 replies
03.12.2021, 12:02
Incorrectly handles the action Deny navigation depending on the fields
Good afternoon I added the action Deny navigation depending on the fields, and I check the discount (standard) field, but the action does not work....
3 answer
Action didn't work: "Prohibit navigation depending on fields and payment method"
In BP "Order Retail" there is a bus. action https://prnt.sc/10jrxgr which should prohibit the transition to the stage if the payment meth...
1 answer
09.02.2021, 11:14
Prevent navigation based on fields
Automatically set up: https://prnt.sc/ytkda4 Why is the change not presented? https://prnt.sc/ytkl9l https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorde...
7 replies
11.01.2021, 11:57
"Prohibit navigation based on fields" action not working
Procedure https://testonebox.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflow/12/procedure/1/?status=0 Stands at the stage https://testonebox.crm-onebox.com/admi...

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