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Search results for query #добавить продукт

0 replies
13.09.2022, 11:24
The product field is not copied to the parent
Customer order: https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/2404365/edit/ Delivery: https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/lo...
1 answer
Personal license
19.05.2021, 16:47
Need a consultation about the "Add products from one process to another"
1. In the process, add 3 products and write "Add products from one process to the next" copy to Batkivsky. 2. In the course of the year, ...
add product
Good afternoon. Is it possible to bulk add products to a process? For example, one category or with the same additional field ...
2 answer
28.12.2020, 11:18
With a single click on the "button for adding a product to the process" https://prnt.sc/wbcixy is added immediately 2 times instead of on...

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