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Component «API v2»

from OneBox #

How it works «API v2» #

A new fast API version 2 is now available in OneBox OS. If you install the app, your OneBox will get JSON REST API interface for developers.

API v2 is very fast, simple and clear for understanding, it can receive and generate JSON structures.

It allows to manage all the entities in OneBox, generate any samplings, safe (temporary tokens are used) and with no limitations.

Usually API is used for pulling the data of and uploading it to OneBox, so as for building customized reports.

Our integration partners will help you to create your own application, which will work based on API, or create a special report, which will send out the data automatically, for example to Telegram.

Attention! Using the API requires the licensed session.

If you plan to use the API, you need +1 user (for cloud plans) or +1 license key (for boxed plans).

Cloud pricing for data and applications

There is no additional charge

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «API v2» #

Available Platforms «API v2» #

Application API v2 available on Android
Available on Android
Application API v2 available on iOS
Available on iOS
Application API v2 available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application API v2 available on my server
Available on my server
Application API v2 customizable

Reviews and discussions component «API v2» forum #

4 answer
18.03.2025, tuesday, 11:18
API v2
Good afternoon. Can't get contact's website (user.user_urls) via api v2
1 answer
17.03.2025, monday, 20:29
Getting contact groups by API list v2
In API1 it was possible to get a list of contact groups with hierarchy How to do this in API2?
2 answer
14.03.2025, 15:00
Obtaining images of process products
Good afternoon, I have such a request, I cannot get an image of the process products.
5 replies
12.03.2025, 13:08
Add API v2 Request
Good afternoon. Please tell me, is it possible to somehow filter out the entities deleted today?
20 replies
11.03.2025, 13:02
Filter by udatefrom
Good afternoon. Please tell me when filtering "udatefrom": "2025-03-11 10:00:00" the process https://box.fialan.com/1032288/ gets into the list, ...
10 replies
03.03.2025, 09:46
Downloading files via API
Good afternoon. Please tell me how I can get files from an additional field via API? I can get the value of the attachment, but there is some other...
5 replies
05.12.2024, 14:44
Get order order change
Good afternoon. Please tell me, /api/v2/order/get/ in the orderchange array for some reason not all the changes. The last change was in Novembe...
7 replies
05.11.2024, 17:02
Get additional contact fields when receiving a process
Good afternoon. Please advise when requesting { "fields": [ "id", "client" ], "ordertype": "DESC", "filter": { "statusid": 686 } } on /...
2 answer
01.11.2024, 10:20
Filtering by multiple values of one field
Good afternoon. Please tell me, can I filter, for example, by two "workflowid" in one request /api/v2/order/get/?
5 replies
31.10.2024, 15:16
Getting statuses
Good afternoon. Please tell me if I can get a list of statuses? I only found getting a list of business processes. /api/v2/workflow/get/