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Payment logging

Good day!
Tell me if it is possible to view the history of changes in payments, in the "payments and cash register" application, by analogy, as it is currently done in the processes https://prnt.sc/8j7PZ25OS6Sx
Original question is available on version: ua


Good afternoon, there is no such story.
10.04.2024, 16:02
Original comment available on version: ua

Department of Care
OneBox production wrote:
Good afternoon, there is no such story.

Can you rate the improvement?
12.04.2024, 10:19
Original comment available on version: ua

About 12 o'clock Bill?
12.04.2024, 10:55
Original comment available on version: ru

Морозов Сергей Сергеевич Sergey Morozov
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Department of Care
OneBox production wrote:
About 12 years. Issue an invoice?

Not yet, thank you!
18.04.2024, 14:07
Original comment available on version: ua

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