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Search results for query #bitrix24

1 answer
29.05.2023, 11:13
Need to import data from Bitrix24 CRM to OneBox
- Employees - Companies (all basic fields including additional ones) - Calls (with audio recordings, dates, statuses, phone numbers and basic field...
1 answer
09.05.2023, 09:47
Implementation of "Solution for training center" with Bitrix24
Good day! I currently use Bitrix24 and am looking for an alternative to switch. We are engaged in online courses and trainings, webinars. I am inte...
0 replies
19.03.2022, 22:28
We invite all users and partners from Bitrix24 and AmoCRM to OneBox
Dear customers and partners! We know that many businesses are trying to stop using Russian software. So, we invite all Ukrainian businesses (and n...
8 replies
19.03.2022, 22:23
We invite all users and partners of Bitrix24 and AmoCRM to switch to OneBox
Dear customers and partners! In connection with Russia's attack on Ukraine, we know that many businesses are trying not to use Russian software...

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