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Refinement of the report on products (required supply)

It is necessary to evaluate the possibility of setting up a report on deliveries
- grocery list
- a list of warehouses that have this product
For each warehouse in the product card there is an additional. fields that contain 3 values
1. Average sales for 7 days
2. Delivery lag (in days)
3. Required min. the rest of the days
Based on these data, we need a report that would look something like this

That is, each line is a date + 1 day from the current one (for example, a month ahead, but with the ability to view a longer period (filter))
something like this
And for each warehouse, you will need to check the following formula:
1. Take the current balance of a specific warehouse
2. Subtract the quantity sold yesterday from a specific warehouse
3. Show value in adjacent field as estimated remainder
(do this loop so many times until we reach a value that is less than or equal to 0)
We get a specific date, let it be 2022-03-01
4. look additional. p
Original question is available on version: ru


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