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OS - Setting up your own fields in the Calendar?

Previously, in the previous version of the system, it was possible to set which BP fields to display in the calendar .
Now, in Onebox OS, I overwrote the settings for business processes, GTD-calendar, but did not find the necessary settings anywhere.
Are there settings for displaying fields in the GTD calendar?
If not migrated, do you plan to migrate this setting?
Original question is available on version: ru


This setting is in the GTD calendar. To do this, go to the settings, check the boxes next to the PSUs that should be displayed. When you click on the name of the BP, a field will appear with a choice of fields that should be displayed
30.11.2021, 15:59
Original comment available on version: ru

Open the tasks, then select the way to display the Calendar and there will be an item in the settings for each BP
30.11.2021, 16:03
Original comment available on version: ru

Sori, Dima, but Masha was 4 minutes faster
30.11.2021, 16:10
Original comment available on version: ru

I didn't see the comment so I wouldn't reply
30.11.2021, 17:04
Original comment available on version: ru

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