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Automatic creation of TTN Justin


there is an action - https://prnt.sc/u5jmri, but I won’t say for sure whether the TTN is printed or not, most likely not
25.08.2020, 15:07
Original comment available on version: ru

In action, you can refine the setting, when enabled, after creating the ttn, the ttn itself will open in a new browser window. There you can print it.
25.08.2020, 15:43
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry wrote:
In action, you can refine the setting, when enabled, after creating the ttn, the ttn itself will open in a new browser window. There you can print it.

How many hours will this revision take?
25.08.2020, 15:57
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon!
If I correctly understood the author of the question, we are talking about printing an invoice marking a parcel:
It would be logical to improve the integration with Justin in such a way that it would be possible to automatically print labels from TTN.
Is there any plan to implement this feature?
26.08.2020, 19:48
Original comment available on version: ru

Please answer if it is possible to improve the integration with Justin, so that you can create TTN from the vanbox and print package markings (https://prnt.sc/u5nuw9)
17.11.2020, 16:03
Original comment available on version: ru

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
is it possible to improve the integration with Justin, so that you can create TTN from the vanbox and print package markings (https://prnt.sc/u5nuw9)

there is a clarification
is it possible to improve the integration with Justin, so that you can create TTN from the vanbox and print package markings (https://prnt.sc/u5nuw9)?
17.11.2020, 19:24
Original comment available on version: ru

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