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Position numbering

Good day, please let me know. I have a product separator by category in the settings. But the sequential numbering looks like a second box. What else can be done and where to set it up so that the numbering is just like ordinal
Original question is available on version: ua


Good afternoon. There is an action “Sort products and processes”, it changes the sortable field of the process product depending on the specified conditions. In theory, you can copy the name of the product category somewhere in the additional field and sort by this field, then products of the same category will have adjacent numbers.
I can also suggest making a setting so that when products are grouped like this, the number (if it is a sortable field on the screen) is displayed according to the product category, i.e. so that they are in order.
24.06.2024, 17:50
Original comment available on version: ru

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