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2015746569 - Improved the functionality of the action "Integration of XML products (Export)"

For the "Integration of XML products (Export)" action, the following has been improved:
1. action understands nesting in path names by main fields (delimiter /)
2. Added the setting "Pass values of the field "Availability in stock (Yes / No)" as:" so that you can specify yes and no
3. Added setting "Transmit values of balances/availability in stock for each warehouse separately" (there is a hint on how to set it up) - in your case, in the "Availability in stock (Yes/No)" field, specify the path availabilities/availability/available and tick " Is this an attribute?
4. added the setting "Attribute name for transferring the External ID of the warehouse" - in your case, you need to specify the storeId and assign external identifiers to the warehouses
Original question is available on version: ru


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