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Search results for query #рассылка писем

4 answer
25.10.2021, 09:38
Good afternoon, please clarify, be kind, how can you check the sheets (open/not open/spam/redirect). Robimo zagalnі rozsilki іz system, want to mot...
3 answer
Bulk email on OS Box
Previously, on the MVP version, it was possible to select a process in the List of processes through checkboxes. Call menu to send email to process...
3 answer
23.03.2021, 08:36
Subscribed to newsletter
Tell me, please, we did a mass mailing (e-mail) to contacts and letters came even to those who did not have a check mark "subscribed to the ma...
5 replies
02.12.2020, 12:28
Over 1000 emails per day
The lead needs to maintain a database of contacts and make mailings on them. 1000 or more per day. And to see if the letter has reached, whether th...

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