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Search results for query #экспортировать товары в хорошоп

2015789416 - Improved the functionality of the action "Export goods to Horoshop"
The following fields have been added to the "Export goods to Horosop" action: number of payments for Payment by parts of PrivatBank Good ...
2015763445 - Improved the functionality of the action "Export goods to Horoshop"
For the "Export goods to Horosop" action, a setting has been added in which you can set the availability text that is transmitted with di...
2015711582 - Added a setting to the action "Export goods to Goodhop"
For the automatic action once per hour "Export goods to Horoshop", the setting "Do not update the description of the goods (transfer...
4 answer
04.01.2021, 14:07
Who will be able to help with setting up the unloading in Horoshop according to API Characteristics (filters) of goods?
Who will be able to help with setting up the unloading in Horoshop according to API Characteristics (filters) of goods? in horoshop.atlassian.net t...
4 answer
04.01.2021, 13:43
Import to Horoshop by API
The horoshop manuals have API variables https://prnt.sc/wfx2ao https://horoshop.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/25296954 containing (.) but it...
2015527990 - Improvement of the action “Export goods to Goodhop”
For the automatic action once per hour, “Export goods to Goodhop” has been improved: - the ability to transfer the field "product name" i...
2015516629 - Improvement of the action "Export goods to Goodhop"
For the automatic action once per hour “Export goods to Goodp”, the “Upload multiple values separated by semicolons” checkbox has been added to the...
2015500446 - Added a setting to the action "Export goods to Goodp"
For the automatic action once per hour “Export goods to Horoshop”, a setting has been added that allows you to transfer price levels
2015457751 - Improvement of the action “Export goods to Goodhop”
For the automatic action once a day “Export goods to Goodhop”, the setting “Do not transfer product information to Goodhop if there were no changes...
2015398241 - Refinement of export actions in Horosop
For the automatic actions "Export products to Horosop" and "Export leftover products to Horosop", the settings “Action start ti...

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