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Integration with wire numbers

Set up integration with binotel https://stingray.ua/
The Wire client has a number (that is, not a sip-line), the winemaker provides only pushes on them, it will not be possible to make calls from the box, but pop-up windows must be shown based on ours.
There are only 2 numbers in the logs
According to the binotel documentation, the internal number is stored in the internalNumber field, from where we take the employee number, by which we can find the employee who needs to show the pop-up window.
Do I get it right?
But I see that in the events the employee is defined correctly https://take.ms/RB417
How to set up a popup window in this case?
Is it possible to use the setting https://stingray.ua/admin/shop/report/callrouting/add/ in this form https://take.ms/u5szh for binotel to show the window?
What needs to be done to make the window appear?
Original question is available on version: ru


the winemaker provides only push notifications for them

Wrong winemaker - must provide wine)

but on the basis of pasha it is necessary to show pop-up windows.

The specified push notifications are not a call, but a receipt of information about the client.
You don't have pushes in any form in /binotel/push/ - but you should. First, deal with this issue - and if there are the same mobile numbers of employees - write them to employees and everything (in theory) should work if the request structure matches.
15.07.2021, 15:32
Original comment available on version: ru

Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
in general, integration with wire should work as usual, they, as usual, stuck something in their setup
20.07.2021, 12:21
Original comment available on version: ru

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