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Search results for query #wire

1 answer
Personal license
30.03.2023, 12:02
Evaluation of the integration with the application Wire (Binotel)
Good day. Binotel has a mobile application that records calls and transmits call data to the Binotel office. https://www.binotel.ua/ua/wire The Wir...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
21.07.2021, 11:52
Integration with binotel - wire
I registered the number of the binotel on my card When I call I get error 104 I need an example of a request that we send to binotel in order to ...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.07.2021, 12:24
Integration with wire numbers
Set up integration with binotel https://stingray.ua/ The Wire client has a number (that is, not a sip-line), the winemaker provides only pushes on ...

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