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Search results for query #stoavtodoctor@rambler.ru

4 answer
28.01.2021, 09:41
buttons for adding a product to the process
If you add a product using the button for adding a product to the process, it does not show that it is in stock https://prnt.sc/xquw1t and you cann...
4 answer
28.01.2021, 09:30
action not working correctly
Order http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/customorder/zakazi-avtodoktor/585640/edit/ stuck at the stage "Vehicle In Work, Waiting from supplier&qu...
4 answer
12.01.2021, 16:08
field is not filled
http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/customorder/zakazi-avtodoktor/541172/edit/ The field "from where the transition was made to return" is no...
2 answer
12.01.2021, 16:00
counting the amount incorrectly
http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/customorder/sitemnie-dlya-zp/566869/edit/ If you add up the selling price of the product, you get 192.5. A Writes i...
2 answer
28.12.2020, 11:18
With a single click on the "button for adding a product to the process" https://prnt.sc/wbcixy is added immediately 2 times instead of on...
4 answer
23.12.2020, 12:36
Auto action bug
payment 29573 https://prnt.sc/w8e58s is not tied to orders https://prnt.sc/w8e6i3 (although it should by auto action https://prnt.sc/w8e9cx )
10 replies
22.12.2020, 09:15
https://prnt.sc/w7lxap Today it started throwing this error.
13 replies
22.12.2020, 09:08
Bug Finance
I create a copy of the appeal https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/business-processes/4425-bag-deystviya/ Because you don't answer
2 answer
22.12.2020, 09:07
error adding payment
When you try to make any payment, you get the error https://prnt.sc/w7lq5b "error adding payment. Due date is less than current" This was...
20 replies
11.12.2020, 16:51
Action bug
In this order http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/customorder/zakazi-avtodoktor/543969/payment/ the payment https://prnt.sc/w0kxt5 was somehow attached...

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