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Search results for query #binotel

2 answer
10.04.2024, 14:14
Recommend IP telephony.
Good day. I choose IR-telephony, Binotel, Ringostar, Phonet... Everything costs about the same and has a similar interface. What works better, reco...
1 answer
01.03.2024, 20:42
The click simulation in the pop-up window does not work
Here https://everest.1b.app/app/binotel/call/windows/block/ It is configured so that when a pop-up window appears, there will be an imitation of cl...
Bug created for missed calls from Binotel
During business hours, the action "Create a process based on a missed call" works! https://askoart.1b.app/app/event/7329/ - event https://askoart.1...
4 answer
03.06.2023, 11:20
Work with the process (Ice)
The essence of the task: The client previously worked at Bitrix24 and his managers were used to working DURING the conversation with the client wit...
1 answer
23.05.2023, 10:33
Action to check the presence of a call to the client
Tell the client how to work with call statuses. I wanted to check whether the manager tried to call the client, and if he tried to do so but the cl...
2 answer
31.03.2023, 11:20
outgoing call does not work
Good afternoon. I have a problem, when I try to make an outgoing call from OneBox, it gives the following message https://img.crm-onebox.com//media...
1 answer
Personal license
30.03.2023, 12:02
Evaluation of the integration with the application Wire (Binotel)
Good day. Binotel has a mobile application that records calls and transmits call data to the Binotel office. https://www.binotel.ua/ua/wire The Wir...
3 answer
10.03.2023, 13:16
The outgoing call does not go through
When trying to make an outgoing call, an error appears Binotel API error Message A: Check the correctness of the integration settings The following...
1 answer
07.03.2023, 16:46
binotel conversation records are not loaded
records of conversations in CRM https://crm.tdp.com.ua/ with binotel are not loaded
5 replies
15.02.2023, 18:26
No popup appears
We changed telephony from phonet to binotel, the settings are made in the same way. sent them a request. The window does not appear.

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