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Search results for query #штрих код

1 answer
07.12.2022, 13:02
Barcode printing blank stickers
Good afternoon, when printing a barcode, the first and last stickers are always blank. What could be the problem?
12 replies
24.11.2021, 15:17
OS: Barcode in add form
Guys, please consider the improvements, namely: add a field or block for scanning a barcode to the "add form". Currently, the product can...
6 replies
05.10.2021, 10:48
Checking availability by barcode
https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/customorder/order/326561/edit/ In the process there is a block "Check the presence of goods in the process by bar...
7 replies
14.07.2021, 14:58
Entrance to the box by barcode or/and qr code
Good afternoon! Tell me, can I sign in to OneBox by scanning a barcode or / and a qr code? The idea is as follows: when working in an offline store...
5 replies
Barcode scanning
Good afternoon! There is a business process https://nutfarine.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/sborka/19568/edit/ there the assembler scans the goo...
1 answer
22.04.2021, 11:56
barcode printing
Now the client works in 1C, and there is a functionality for printing barcodes, they select bulk goods, press one button and a barcode is generated...
4 answer
05.03.2021, 15:04
How to read the QR code in ENG by default?
Good afternoon! Need your help. I started using a qr-code scanner, but a problem arose, namely: if you scan a qr-code that leads to the process and...
2 answer
How to set up price tag printing from a product card?
Good afternoon, I created a price tag template (Barcode 123 - https://b2bhub.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/pricecode/templates/). How to print this pri...
5 replies
30.12.2020, 18:49
evaluating the extension of the block "Search for goods by barcode"
The client to carry out operations for the help of a barcode scanner. The barcode of the product is stocked with 14 symbols (to the butt) 503011662...
1 answer
Personal license
06.12.2020, 11:29
Copying the barcode in the warehouse during the selection process for box.ariabride.eu
Good day! Recently, we were asked to do the shaping of barcodes in the warehouse, so they will be protected when asking for goods at the warehouse:...

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