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Search results for query #фильтрация процессов

2 answer
10.03.2023, 13:12
Filtering all processes is not displayed
Here https://rivcont.info/app/workflowtype-order/ When filtering open/closed processes, the "Filter" button is not displayed when all processes ar...
1 answer
15.10.2021, 12:17
Errors when filtering processes
https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/?searchLine= If we filter processes and specify not many filters, then everything is...
Filter by process due date not working
4 answer
23.08.2021, 14:45
OS - Process filters glitch
When we add a "universal date" and try to move, something incomprehensible begins.
4 answer
22.07.2021, 17:33
In processes, the list flies sorting by creation date when filtering by an additional field
I open Repair processes with the list - https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/remont/?searchLine= the standard sorting by date opens correctly, ...
6 replies
08.06.2021, 13:37
Bug filtering business processes that were in the selected stage in a given period of time
Good afternoon. Filter business processes that were in the selected stage in a given period of time Filters in fact not as described. The sample in...
Filtering by additional field does not work
We have up to the "process client type" field, where the options are lead or client. when filtering through the "customer orders&quo...
3 answer
02.04.2021, 09:50
Filter processes by the Client field
Good afternoon! When filtering processes by the client field, if we enter the client's mob, the box always displays the found contact and his c...
1 answer
31.03.2021, 16:18
Processes in filtration
Adjusted filter: https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/customorder/order/?filterauthorid=&filtermana...
2015766904 - Added filter by process products
Added process filter "Filter by multiple products in process". Two or more products can be specified in the filter, the selection will in...

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