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4 answer
30.08.2023, 13:39
The price, quantity and discount in the table of products in the process have flown
Process https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/352998/ flew off The logs show that from 2023-08-29 14:56:10 there are a bunch of records with change...
15 replies
20.12.2022, 15:27
Taking into account the discount on a canceled order
Good afternoon, we encountered such a problem, in many canceled orders a negative margin is displayed, we began to study the issue, in all such ord...
0 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
30.09.2022, 11:20
Variable "total discount by process"
Hello! Please tell me the variable "total discount for the process" and is it possible to copy it in the additional field?
1 answer
04.07.2022, 01:44
How to make a discount on the number of pieces of different items of the same brand
Found only a discount on a category of products. How to make a discount, for example, from 5, 10 pieces of one brand
2 answer
27.06.2022, 22:13
How to give a discount to a customer when buying from 2, 5, 10 pcs... if there are values in the product header
For example, there is a protective glass of the desired brand (or the value is indicated in the header) you need to make a discount when buying fro...
2 answer
04.06.2022, 08:26
Transfer of products to the well
Product https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/product/36233/edit/?tabid=0 Changed the product discount to 5% Set up the transfer of products to good This prod...
Transferring discount "price" to opencart - how?
Here is a product http://akmp.com.ua/app/product/26853/edit/ we put the discount in the standard field In opencart it is unloaded like this that ...
1 answer
27.04.2022, 14:21
Import products in progress
Process https://crm.dobavki.ua/506259/ Attached is the file that is loaded through the product import block Product example https://crm.dobavki.ua/...
Incorrectly adding a discount to the checkbox
Incorrectly adding a discount to the checkbox
The promo code from the promo works strangely (discount)
Here is the order https://smallpet.crm-onebox.com/25499/ You can see the price and amount of the discount But the discount is not deducted from th...

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