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Search results for query #распределение платежей

2 answer
10.07.2023, 11:37
Automatically allocate customer payments across processes
Hello! Please tell me the automation logic once per hour for the action "Automatically distribute customer payments by processes" This functionalit...
1 answer
02.12.2021, 18:59
Incorrect operation of the automatic payment distribution action
In the client's order http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/customorder/zakazi-avtodoktor/928582/payment/ for some reason, payments to suppliers were...
3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
06.09.2021, 12:49
fix saving settings in the action "Automatically distribute customer payments by processes"
on the https://box.e-zoo.com.ua project, the entered settings for the hourly automation action "Automatically distribute customer payments by ...
2015769974 - Added the "Distribute payment by process" block to the bulk process changes panel
Added the "Distribute payment by process" block to the bulk process changes panel. In the panel of mass operations, a field will appear w...
1 answer
posting payments for orders
A question about finances, if one private payment comes in and you need to split it into ten or twenty small orders already made, are there any sol...
1 answer
Distribution of payments [Estimate improvement]
There is an action once an hour Distribute payments without a category into categories based on the comment to the payment How much will it cost t...
1 answer
Evaluate the finalization of the distribution of payments by categories
Cron action required once per hour Which would check all payments that do not yet have a payment category + the description field is filled in (com...
17 replies
action "Automatically distribute customer payments by processes" - setting
please explain what is needed and how the field works "If there is a keyword or a combination of words in the payment comment" - what va...
15 replies
setting up the action Automatically allocate customer payments to processes
explain why in the list of actual payments I write the order number to the filter and get the result: but in action - I have to invent some regul...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
25.12.2020, 20:20
finalize the action "Distribute payments among processes based on expected payments" (selection by several conditions)
it is necessary to refine the action "Distribute payments among processes based on expected payments" in such a way that it is possible t...

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