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Search results for query #прокрутка

3 answer
31.05.2022, 19:53
Scroll bar
This topic has already been raised before, but still I hope for improvement, improvement and standardization of the boxing interface: The scrollba...
2 answer
17.12.2021, 08:04
Position of the horizontal scroll bar
When the slider moves along the horizontal scroll bar, the VISIBILITY of the column names is CLOSED. In this case, the vertical slider is in the up...
2 answer
14.12.2021, 05:31
no horizontal scroll bar
when you tick a contact in the Contacts application, the horizontal scroll bar disappears (you cannot see the contact columns on the right)
5 replies
Horizontal scroll bar not working
when you hover the mouse over the horizontal scroll bar, it is not activated, you have to move the arrows on the keyboard to the left to the right....
1 answer
17.07.2021, 11:42
OS - Process Lists (scrolling)
Is it possible to make the list of processes "infinite"? So that either by pressing the button the list unfolds down, or just when scroll...
3 answer
24.02.2021, 09:45
Notification Center - Task Scrolling
Is it possible to make the top line with the name of the task stick to the top when scrolling through the task interface? https://prnt.sc/105gdc6
1 answer
29.01.2021, 15:53
Ability to scroll the process in the "Client" field
Tell me, be kind, how can you improve the appearance of all clients in the drop-down list in the "Client" field https://prnt.sc/xtadgs Fo...
2 answer
20.01.2021, 19:13
Is it possible to move the scrollbar down?
https://prnt.sc/xayr67 Interferes with the normal display of such a scroll bar right in the middle.
3 answer
19.12.2020, 02:02
"Scroll up block" stopped working on MVP after update
Scroll up block set in main template https://prnt.sc/w5q0gf But when scrolling on the page it is not there. https://cybershop.com.ua/zapchasti-dlya...
1 answer
01.12.2020, 17:35
Scrollbar: bug?
Hello, There is a small glitch with the scrollbar. When we open the list, the scrollbar is habitually at the bottom https://prnt.sc/vtovnp, but as ...

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