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Search results for query #продукты

1 answer
Removal of Analogue Products
Interested in how you can remove analogues of products using import. those. mass clearing of this table/deleting one item in the list by product id
Changes in product cost calculation
We import mobile accessories from China, so the delivery of 1 unit may be equal to the purchase price of the product. Moreover, the cost of deliver...
1 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
06.11.2023, 09:38
Bug. The Products block is not displayed as a table in the interface
The Products block is not displayed as a table in the interface. Boxing https://sara.1box.link/
0 replies
19.10.2023, 09:38
Error in product name in order
Good afternoon We have a product "Antibur'yan" which in the order for some reason looks like "Antibur&039;yan 100 ml" As I understand it, there...
0 replies
16.10.2023, 10:24
Product photos
Good afternoon I have a few questions about the product photo: 1. Background We want to upload photos without background into the box and then uplo...
Products are not displayed in orders to the supplier
Good afternoon Products no longer appear in orders for suppliers For example, here https://tiva.crm-onebox.com/47994/ This problem has never been s...
export products_dump not found
The user https://inclothes.1b.app/app/contact/11413/ is trying to download the entire product database https://inclothes.1b.app/app/product/ when s...
8 replies
29.08.2023, 14:30
Product card, BAG
Good afternoon https://box.agro-him.com.ua/ In our product card, the "About product" block has become 2 times larger in width, which is why the...
2 answer
28.07.2023, 00:59
Tell me, what is the value of "size (warehouse)" in the product itself responsible for?
During the inventory, they found failures in the processes associated with this value, but could not understand what function this value had. Can y...
Duplicate products due to language change
Products are duplicated due to a change in language, although the article is the same. What to do?

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