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Search results for query #привязка платежа

1 answer
12.01.2024, 17:49
Linking a payment
Tell me how you can set up linking payments with WayForPay using automation. We tried the standard functionality, but payments that are included in...
1 answer
LiqPay payment binding automation
There was a problem with the automatic binding of the LiqPay payment. I have already set up automatic binding of PrivatBank payments, in automatic ...
5 replies
31.08.2021, 10:12
Automatic linking of payment
I want to set up automatic linking of payment by order number. Payments fall from private and mono. Now we tie up payments manually, tying up the o...
5 replies
04.02.2021, 18:04
Linking payments
I don’t understand why payments were tied up in the order (payments were tied up through the automatic action to link payments) http://crm.adparts....
1 answer
Import payments via CSV
http://crm.loader.com.ua/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ - payment loading is configured https://prnt.sc/vh1sir The payment is linked to the client th...
2 answer
21.10.2020, 13:36
A process is not attached to a task/process
There is an actual payment, when you enter it and try to link to which Order this payment belongs - the system freezes. In the order to the supplie...

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