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Search results for query #права доступа

5 replies
08.03.2024, 10:23
Access rights
Good afternoon. There is a need to give an employee access rights to write off/describe the goods. According to write-off - everything works. Up...
0 replies
21.09.2023, 10:35
Displaying total rows in the list of processes by access rights
Here https://gamacrm.1b.app/app/settings/workflow/ There is a setting https://prnt.sc/PxURxsXbNuvt You need to make this setting on the access righ...
3 answer
24.06.2023, 12:57
New reports do not appear and old reports are not deleted in Permissions
Unable to set access rights to a new report for an employee. The report does not appear in the list in Permissions. Also, deleted reports do not ...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
08.03.2023, 15:07
What settings need to be made in the Payments and cash register application in order to see account balances
The rights for the Payments and checkout application are configured as in screen 1306. That is, everything is completely open at 100% The emp...
1 answer
25.01.2023, 10:40
Unable to change permissions
Good afternoon. I ran into a problem with setting access rights, namely, when I try to open "Fine settings of access rights" on any application, it...
1 answer
08.01.2023, 11:33
"Access to view settings" does not work
If the checkbox "This is the default business process for new business processes" is checked in the business process parameters https://rivcont.inf...
Employee access
Good afternoon. How to give employees access to view details and select our companies in a deal, but not give them the right to edit company details?
Additional rights settings process fields
Good afternoon. In the old version of OneBox, for each add. the process field could be configured for each employee (access to view and/or edit). I...
5 replies
11.11.2022, 15:29
I accidentally deleted the rights to my box
Hello There was a problem with access to the box after changing the password in the box account https://1b.app/ru/forum/users-and-access-management...
1 answer
BUG!!! A user without access rights has the ability to delete a business process.
A user without access rights to the BP constructor has the ability to delete a business process. If somehow the user received a link to the BP cons...

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