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Search results for query #настройка

1 answer
Where can I get an account ID for making payments?
This option is required in settings. And where to take it? Account ID for making payments
3 answer
22.11.2022, 12:39
Please check the correctness of the settings and answer a few questions
api login and api password for settings https://ibb.co/tsPBXj8 taken from the CASHIER login and password https://my.checkbox.ua/dashboard/employees...
Imports do not work (any)
Here are the statistics of crowns https://practik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/statistic/ it has not been working for 4 hours, accordingly, orders/pay...
5 replies
Inconvenience of use
Setting up a chat bot https://ccvape1bapp.1b.app/app/bot-constructor/1/ added the necessary blocks, but there is no zoom as in the usual bp setting...
1 answer
31.01.2022, 10:48
Where is the setting in OS
In the MVP settings there is a checkbox "Use the definition of who left a comment on the process. If the comment was added by an action, the w...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
02.11.2021, 17:14
Palette in action "Show Interactive Window"
The palette is not displayed completely and there is no way to set the desired color https://crm-77.com/admin/shop/workflow/12/procedure/33/?status=2
5 replies
14.09.2021, 19:55
Number of processes
Guy, I have a question. I need the system to count the number of processes, but without reference to the employee. Let's say I made kpi https:/...
10 replies
OS: Drop-down lists/multi-lists are not displayed correctly in the action settings
In automation and in actions at the BP stages, if there is a setting for selecting from a drop-down list / multi-list, then it is displayed very na...
3 answer
18.07.2021, 10:00
OS: Setup Instructions
Please add menu items, where there will be instructions for setting up applications. It is desirable that the instructions are always up to date. A...
6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
14.07.2021, 01:49
OS - improved table setup
Sometimes employees set up a table for themselves, and then everyone needs to do the same, or an additional field has been added, everyone needs to...

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