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The html structure is not saved when the sheet is folded from the tab "My Submissions"
The html structure was no longer saved when the sheet was folded from the tab "My Submissions": https://astelitgroup.crm-onebox.com/admin...
4 answer
Personal license
03.08.2021, 20:19
how not to do it on the skin trim sheet?
if a sheet arrives at the integrated mail, which can be removed, then it will be applied to the skin trim and come out, the leaves are duplicated: ...
1 answer
My events clear
2. My events. The event counter in the menu on the left shows constantly 1313, a lot of events have accumulated. Automatic action once a day: Clear...
4 answer
Email, call recording
Hello! Tell me please: 1. Telephony Binotel. A call popup window is shown. A contact card is created when making a call. https://more-moto.crm-oneb...
5 replies
05.03.2021, 15:33
My events are closed while permissions are open
Good afternoon. The employee https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/shop/users/permissions/68382/#done has personal rights configured, only his own events are op...
1 answer
08.02.2021, 15:57
Error 500 in events
User http://crm.sportlife.ua/admin/shop/users/settings/661/ Knocks out 500 error In events https://prnt.sc/ypt2ag The error knocks out when opening...
6 replies
13.01.2021, 09:05
Problem with events and files
Again there was a problem with events and files. 1. The event is displayed in the system (automatic action worked), but there is no letter in &quot...
4 answer
20.12.2020, 16:45
How to choose Alpha name when sending SMS through "My Events"?
Hello! Tell me, how to choose an Alpha name when sending sms through the "My events" section? Maybe there are some settings? There is no ...
1 answer
15.11.2020, 13:49
The letter is displayed 2 times in the My Events section
In the BP at the stage, the automatic action Send notification by email is set. In the My events section, the letter is displayed 2 times: with a s...
7 replies
02.10.2020, 11:13
My events
Gave employee access to "My events" - https://prnt.sc/urqihf 30 minutes ago, but it still does not show this menu item What could be the ...

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