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Search results for query #многоязычность

1 answer
13.05.2022, 15:33
Do not have the ability to 2 moves on the essence of functional significance
Method of payment and delivery in the same order and in the Prompts and in Koshika in the template, I can’t correctly display the online store, swi...
3 answer
11.01.2022, 18:18
After connecting, the "Login" button on the site does not work (in your personal account)
After connecting the multilingual module, the "Login" button (to your personal account) does not work on the site. How to fix it? https:/...
2 answer
23.01.2021, 12:59
Bagatomovnіst template TIRE
Good afternoon, I would like to rent a template to the TIRE online store. Will there be a complete translation of this template into Ukrainian lang...
7 replies
13.01.2021, 13:58
Multilingual. The translation is saved in both languages.
rybalkashop.com.ua Enabled multilingual. Rus. language and Ukrainian language. Included Ukrainian language and when translating categories into Ukr...
8 replies
06.12.2020, 19:48
Changing the name of a menu item in the LC interface
Onebox-rybalkashop If you change the name of the menu item in the LC interface in the Ukrainian version , then this name changes in Russian. versio...

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