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Search results for query #календар

3 answer
23.01.2024, 14:05
The action "Move the execution date of the process to the next day if the business process is open" does not work
There are orders that should be automatically moved to the next day in the calendar by the "Execute by" date They are in the "Awaiting Payment" and...
Displaying the number of processes per day in the calendar
Congratulations. The customer needs the GTD calendar to display the number of processes scheduled for the day. https://arsenalcompany.1b.app/app/gt...
3 answer
25.07.2022, 12:11
In the calendar, show the process by request from the loan depositor
Good afternoon. In the process, adjust in the calendar, open the process as requested. At the same time, the process is being worked out in the sa...
3 answer
21.05.2022, 21:21
BUG Incorrect display of the calendar
https://voltdetailing.1b.app/app/calendar/?ok=1 Є processes, at which the hour is "scheduled" and "visonati until", for example...
3 answer
31.03.2022, 00:04
BUG Incorrect display of the calendar
https://voltdetailing.1b.app/app/calendar/?ok=1 Є processes, at which the hour is "scheduled" and "visonati until", for example...
1 answer
24.03.2022, 20:33
Can't connect Google Calendar
such a pardon after I tried to authorize my account those at https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials?project=idyllic-unity-345118&a...
1 answer
Personal license
13.12.2021, 16:25
evaluate the refinement of the calendar display in the client's office, MVP
please rate: 1. the ability to display processes with a calendar in the client's office. when you click, you need to go to the process. the col...
4 answer
Personal license
03.11.2021, 16:15
OS rate the calendar box
vicariist client /app/gtdcalendar/?mode=calendar timeline for the specified hour. for the sake of clarity of planning, the hour of spivrobitnikiv a...
9 replies
Personal license
09.08.2021, 17:49
Rate the flight GTDCalendar
In the GTDCalendar, it is necessary to increase the possibility of filtering the process, de vibrating the spіvrobіtnik acts as a "pushing"
17 replies
23.06.2021, 13:17
All processes are not shown in the Locked Calendar
The tab next to the menu - My processes - Processes with the calendar - is all good, displays all the processes, scrolls down and you can see the m...

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