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Search results for query #заказы с пром

2 answer
13.12.2022, 15:31
VERY IMPORTANT! Orders do not come from PROM.ua
Guys, I beg you to see what is the reason, orders from Prom have not been received since 12/10/2012. Due to the constant interruption in the light,...
1 answer
02.08.2022, 14:13
orders stopped loading
Here we look http://omama.in.ua/admin/shop/statistic/ We see that the minute processor has not worked since 10:40 Orders and payments are not loade...
2 answer
15.04.2022, 23:39
Orders from Prom.ua are not imported
Hello. Stopped sending orders from the prom. I made a test order in the box, https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/workflowtype-order/
7 replies
URGENTLY ! order import and status update from PROM.UA does not work
Here is the list of integrations https://stimul.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/promua-new/control/ For all proms, the status of orders for ...
3 answer
09.09.2021, 10:20
Old Prom orders rained down
Good afternoon. When working out the daily krone, old orders from Prom fell down today, more than 50 pieces are available at the link https://crm.o...
5 replies
Orders with Prom are not transferred
Good afternoon, starting from May 17, orders are not transferred to Box from the tura.prom.ua store. Before that, everything was ok. Already replac...
2 answer
14.02.2021, 14:07
Orders with prom are not taken
Urgently need help to restore the system to full capacity. From Saturday evening (02/13/2021) orders from prom. crm.smartid.com.ua
3 answer
10.02.2021, 12:31
Orders not coming
In automatic actions once a minute there is an import of orders from Prom But orders no longer come in, the last one was Looks like the cron does...

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