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Search results for query #заказы с прома

1 answer
Doesn't load orders from promo
Orders do not come from proma Here we make a request to receive orders via postman all orders are But no CRM falls during the day, what could be w...
Boxing not working!! Orders not received
https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ Orders are not received from VP, Proma, crowns lay down. Please correct !!!
4 answer
18.12.2021, 18:51
Prom order not coming
Prom went down recently, and a day later they resumed work. There are actions in automation (Fig. 1) But now orders do not come from the promo htt...
3 answer
10.02.2021, 12:31
Orders not coming
In automatic actions once a minute there is an import of orders from Prom But orders no longer come in, the last one was Looks like the cron does...
1 answer
Orders do not come from Prom.ua
Messages and orders with prom ua do not come. Can you check the api? updated it (there are doubts that there are problems in it). integration did e...
2 answer
10.12.2020, 10:38
I do not receive orders from Prom.ua
Hello! Today, from 9:00, orders to Prom.ua stopped coming. Tell me what is the reason?
2 answer
08.12.2020, 16:55
Orders do not come from Prom
Hello! Orders from Prom.ua have stopped coming in since lunch today. Here is my system https://our-store.com.ua/ Here are the screenshots of orders...

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