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Search results for query #дубли платежей

1 answer
20.09.2022, 21:55
Duplicate payments
If you add payments here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/payments/ and click on the "Save" button twice / thrice accidentally, duplicate pa...
4 answer
20.10.2021, 12:13
Duplicate payments are created
Noticed this problem (test order) If you go to payments https://onetos.org.ua/218309/?tabid=5 Click "create" Specify the data and click ...
6 replies
22.12.2020, 15:51
Finance bug
Payments are doubled (spent) https://prnt.sc/w7rf3l The payment "Incoming 7774.00 UAH" was added to this order, and it was carried out 4 ...

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