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Search results for query #вайбер

4 answer
25.01.2024, 15:31
Very urgent - the problem with downloading files sent via Viber bot has returned
Files sent via Viber bot are not downloaded on iOS. There is an endless loading process. Here is the previous message: https://1b.app/ru/forum/...
0 replies
03.08.2023, 16:40
Viber chat is not updated in the process
1. New messages are not loaded without reloading the page 2. Chat disappears, and all chat tabs become inactive after opening on the process page w...
2 answer
05.05.2023, 15:36
No chat leads are generated
There is minute-by-minute automation https://sambag.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/minute/edit/ Turn a viber message into a business process It ...
Several numbers for Viber from E-chat
Good day. How much will it cost to upgrade Viber from E-chat so that you can add several numbers. Because the E-chat functionality allows it, but t...
7 replies
05.04.2023, 19:49
File sent to Viber Bot not loading
In the "Check out document" action, an additional process field is specified in the setting: Attach a PDF version of the generated document to an a...
5 replies
01.04.2023, 02:55
BAG. Please help urgently. An invalid phone number is added to the [phoneNumberViber] variable.
Apparently, some kind of failure, tk. worked correctly before. The client shared a phone number. At the stage, the action Add a comment to the pr...
2 answer
30.03.2023, 02:55
The action "Turn a viber message into a business process" creates processes one time
The action "Turn a viber message into a business process" is configured, which creates a "Viber message" BP with the status NEW MESSAGE. It includ...
1 answer
07.03.2023, 17:17
Does not pull up the customer's phone number
At the first message from the client, a contact is created without a phone number. The meaning of this contact and the work of this application, if...
2 answer
22.02.2023, 15:09
Viber setup
I'm trying to connect viber. And two difficult questions: 1. At first, notifications about messages came, now they have stopped. How can this be fi...
0 replies
Personal license
16.01.2023, 11:42
Viber button "Share phone" does not work
Configured for Viber a button with action type Share phone https://take.ms/iibqh, https://amigakure.crm-onebox.com/app/viber/1/keyboard/button/1/ W...

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