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For partners and users: the opportunity to show your contacts on the forum

Dear users and partners!
When creating a topic on the OneBox forum and when writing any comment in any topic, a checkmark "Show my contacts (phone, mail) next to my comment to all users who left a comment on this topic appeared. This will allow partners and integrators contact me."
By default, it is removed.
But if you put it, your contacts with OneBox ID will be shown next to your comment or topic. But they will be seen only by those who are authorized and who have left at least one comment in this topic.
Why is this necessary - I will explain with an example:
The client creates a topic "I need to do this and that, I'm looking for an integrator", ticks this box.
And any partner who writes a comment in this topic will see the client's contacts and be able to contact him.
The reverse also works: any person can leave a comment in the topic and reveal their contacts to others.
Use it =)
Thank you for your attention.
Original question is available on version: ua «Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників»


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