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BP and surrender

Is it possible and how approximately to set up a business process for a retail store (with a minimum number of blocks: product selection, customer, check), so that the cashier employee can choose how much money the client gives him and how much change he needs to give?
Original question is available on version: ru


implemented in us. the prorahunok himself decide for kasi - 1 year (it requires 2 clicks: one when choosing the additional field with the sum of the client and 2- Save. directly in the field type https://prnt.sc/wi3qqh - maybe 1-2 years old)
and vibіr product і check means that you need to import the product base і nalashtuvati fіnancy - todі all at once mіnіmum 10 years JAM.
07.01.2021, 10:29
Original comment available on version: ru

Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license

integrator wrote:
and directly in the field type https://prnt.sc/wi3qqh - maybe a 1-2 year old

You can put "Need to fill" next to the field in the settings and it will be active
07.01.2021, 11:34
Original comment available on version: ru

having reconsidered - it’s all right at once, like Andriy.
And if you bring in a meaning, to bring it up to see the next thing, then everything will still be a "sheep".
I think it’s so good for the client.
07.01.2021, 12:31
Original comment available on version: ru

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