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Prom (missing item)

There is an order for prom

132852093 - it first got into the system but into some other process, we just got a notification.
Then they closed this notification, but there is no this process in the orders - there are none in the remote ones either.
Once upon a time there was such a mistake that when creating a process, it does not fall into an order, but into some type of processes "task" or something like that. But then it was possible to find this process by user
And now there are no remote ones either. Why did this happen and how to find it? With the new ones dropped everything but this one
Original question is available on version: ru


when importing orders, processes are searched for by external id, and since you have a daw to check remote - https://prnt.sc/w38ydm , it found a remote process with the same external id and did not create a new one, here is a remote process with an external id 132852093 - /admin/customorder/order/43289/edit/
15.12.2020, 16:33
Original comment available on version: ru

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