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Writing form fields to tilda does not work

Возникают сложности в работе с компонентом tilda?
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Writing form fields to tilda does not work
In the integration setting, tilda specified to write the value of the source field in the Process source field (see screenshot) https://prnt.sc/wlusq5
Added a hidden field with the variable name - source to the tilde basket and filled in the value of the source in it,
Data is transferred to the box, but is not written to the "Process source" field.
This can be seen in the screenshot https://prnt.sc/wluvht
Here is the order https://aromacarlux.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/aromacarlux/1628/edit/
Original question is available on version: ru


Andrey wrote:
Data is transferred to the box, but is not written to the "Process source" field.

The origin of the process is expected to be passed as an identifier.
Since you are a user of a paid cloud tariff, we will modify it so that if the source is not found by identifier, search for it by name.
13.01.2021, 15:31
Original comment available on version: ru

Thank you.
The id is even better.
It was confusing that in the api the source pulls up by name, I thought it was the same here.
13.01.2021, 19:48
Original comment available on version: ru

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