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Application Questions and Answers «Funnel»

12 replies
07.09.2021, 18:13
OS - Wrong process count
In the funnel, it incorrectly counts the number of processes.
6 replies
05.09.2021, 12:53
OS - Bug - Switch to display type when clicking on status
This setting does not work. It is not possible to click on the status to expand the list with processes.
5 replies
30.06.2021, 10:47
Funnel in the context of 2x BP
https://hte.crm-onebox.com/ There are 2 PSUs 1. Client's request, here the manager conducts the process before the Order (the order is a sub-pr...
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
24.11.2020, 13:08
Improve display type setting for menu item with filtering
here https://prnt.sc/vp1tl3 It is necessary to finalize the setting, as in the BP groups https://prnt.sc/vp1u6b So that when adding such an item, i...
1 answer
27.10.2020, 22:05
Excel Integration
Good evening! I installed excel video integration, I want to export the sales funnel and orders as a picture, is this possible? writes no access to...
3 answer
27.10.2020, 17:48
Sales funnel
Good afternoon! Tell me how to build a sales funnel in CPM.? Paid, free, are there video settings?
2 answer
06.10.2020, 20:02
Sales automation for a cosmetics company
The client is engaged in the production of cosmetic products. The main task is to increase the flow of customers in your own region through new sal...
Project for a private photographer. Solving customer needs.
The client plans to use the system for project management. There are several designers whose work needs to be supervised. Namely: 1) You need to se...
Project for a private photographer. Solving customer needs.
The client plans to use the system for project management. There are several designers whose work needs to be supervised.
2 answer
28.09.2020, 12:22
Funnel mapping
- Correct the display of the amount of currencies so that it is in the same style, for example, without kopecks: the same in all cases. - And it wo...