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Application Questions and Answers «Mobile app»

5 replies
MAKOSH | Analyst of Consolidated Information
19.09.2023, 15:02
PUSH notification reminders
Is it possible to implement "Task Reminders" in the form of PUSH notifications, in the message center on the phone?
How to enter the employee program?
Is it necessary to have an ID to log in to the new onebox program for an employee?
Links from OneBox do not open in the mobile application, but only in the browser
Links from OneBox are not opened in the mobile application, but in the browser... When setting up the phone itself, selecting the program for openi...
1 answer
ЮРИСТИ БЕЗПРОБЛЕМ, ТОВ, директор, адвокат
08.06.2023, 22:36
Why is it not possible to install the application in your box
When trying to install the application, it says the following An error occurred while installing the application. There are no box-mobile applicati...
1 answer
27.05.2023, 12:11
Scanning barcodes through the onebox mobile app
Good afternoon. Can you please tell me how can I scan barcodes through the onebox mobile application?
Left swipe does not work on IOS, bug
There is no way to go back in the ios app. Every time you need to go to the main page.
9 replies
does not work
Throws when logging in Error problem with user token
11 replies
30.03.2023, 10:36
Scrolling works crookedly in the mobile version
Hello. In the mobile version, orders and products cannot be scrolled up. in order to raise up, you first need to lower it and without releasing you...
4 answer
31.01.2023, 20:22
The mobile application reports an invalid URL
When the address shieldtech.crm-onebox.com is entered into the mobile application, it does not come in now. Before the transition from the old syst...
5 replies
28.12.2022, 20:45
The application is not installed on Android
Hello. Previously, when hovering over the application, pressing install to phone, scanner, link - the button to add the application to the smartpho...