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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2 answer
18.03.2024, 11:32
What is happening to the IT analytics market? Survey AIN.UA
Greeting! I am from the AIN.UA team. Together with Genesis, we are preparing a large report on the field of analytics in Ukrainian IT. And to explo...
2 answer
15.03.2024, 10:34
Search by article does not work in CRM (in the order itself)
Good afternoon. Search by article does not work in CRM (in the order itself) For example: art. 16944 https://prnt.sc/Kx5rZuWe0yPE art.16818 https:/...
1 answer
14.03.2024, 13:08
Can't find a product by article number
Hello! Boxes massagan.1b.app, azing.1b.app. Can’t find a product by article number through global search, it’s stopped working. Please check it out...
1 answer
13.03.2024, 13:57
Problem searching for orders using API by auxiliary field
I make requests for a sample of orders through the API. I'm having trouble searching with an additional field. Here is an example of my query: http...
1 answer
13.03.2024, 08:52
Error 500 when confirming orders
https://krx777.crm-onebox.com/2500875/ An example of a process
1 answer
OneBox upgrade to MVP version
Please update OneBox https://mebel.crm-onebox.com to the MVP version.
Variable doesn't work
In the template https://andser.crm-onebox.com/app/templatecomment/6/, at the end there is a variable for the additional product field idprodukt_Roz...
1 answer
06.03.2024, 18:34
Good afternoon Please change the time zone to gmt +5 on the boxes: azing.1b.app, savteam.1b.app, massagan.1b.app
2 answer
06.03.2024, 10:52
working with the application
Good afternoon There were a number of questions about working with the application firstly, it does not load existing advertisements from OLH, al...
1 answer
05.03.2024, 18:03
Display of data when integrating lirax telephony
when installing the lirax telephony integration application, there is no data in the table. The events themselves come to the events section